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A Peek Inside Bob Metcalfe's Yearbook

It's that time of year when high school and college kids step away from their digital screens and engage with some old-school media for a...

Executive Spotlight: Howard Charney

"All Greek to Me" If you’re not up on Greek mythology, you might want to do a quick Google on the myth of Sisyphus. I’ll wait…. Sisyphus...

Executive Spotlight: Bill Krause

"3Com is a must read for anyone interested in learning about how the magic of Silicon Valley works. It is a story about the start up,...

Executive Spotlight: Ron Sege

I met Ron Sege early on in my finance career, when we both worked at ROLM. This was circa 1984, the same year that Apple released the...

Executive Spotlight: Larry Birenbaum

Larry Birenbaum gets credit, in a way, for inventing Fast Ethernet—or at least asking the right question, “Can’t we just make Ethernet go...

Executive Spotlight: Edgar Masri

My first significant interaction with Edgar Masri was at an offsite with other managers. We called it the “Billion Dollar Managers”...

Executive Spotlight: John Hart

John Hart—the Gymnast Inventor. John was 3Com’s CTO for most of a decade. He was instrumental in bringing boundary routing to 3Com, and...

Executive Spotlight: Bob Finocchio

Bob Finocchio was Eric’s right hand man for many years and an instrumental part of 3Com’s executive history. Bob ran 3Com’s Network...

Executive Spotlight: Eric Benhamou

If you get your hands on a copy of our book, you’ll be able to read 3Com CEO Eric Benhamou’s thought-provoking foreword that illuminates...

Executive Spotlight: Jeff Thermond

So, who is this Jeff Thermond? Jeff is very smart, swears like a sailor, and discovered his love of technology all the way back when he...

Executive Spotlight: Chris Paisley

Chris is one of the friendliest finance guys in the room, always smiling, and always looking for something humorous to add to the story....

Executive Spotlight: Doug Spreng

Doug Spreng has always greeted me with a smile and a kinetic energy that is contagious. Even with a bad right ankle (see his photo...

Executive Spotlight: Leon Woo

Leon was a founder of Synernetics, the pioneering Ethernet switching company that was acquired by 3Com in 1994. This acquisition took...

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